Week 7

Personal Project + Intro to CRISPR

Monday - Personal Project Brainstorming


  1. Showing R+D of personal project
    • Samples and comparisons and determining what sample type to move forward with
  2. Brainstorming
    • Jotting down ideas for our own ideas or directions, listening to others’ ideas and seeing what comes up from that
  3. Prolonging acid exposure
    • Started an experiment where I prolonged how long the oyster shells are soaked in an acid that would strip calcium. However, because the shells are pH

Tuesday - Personal Project Cont.


  1. Shell crushing
    • Using a mortar and pestle to extract different sizes of oyster shell for different uses

Wednesday - CRISPR Protocol


  1. Introduction to CRISPR method
    • Getting familiar with the protocol and preparing the necessary material

Thursday - Personal Project Cont.


  1. Prolonging processing method
    • Soaking oystershells in a new bottle of white vinegar everyday, alkalinity v acidity
  2. Continuation of crushing oyster shells
    • More powder!
  3. Anne’s last day as instuctor :(
    • Sad

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Written on April 29, 2024