Week 6

Špela Petrič, GFP, + Oysters

Tuesday - Špela Petrič’s talk’ + Personal Project R/D


  1. Who is she and what has she done as an artist
    • Transmedia artists with a background in biology, specifically biomedicine.
  2. Project in focus
    • Phytoteratology was born from the artist’s exploration of the relationship between humans and plants but this time focusing on the molecular level. The themes that this project focuses on are intimacy and kinship. Špela’s
  3. Test on oyster processing methods
    • My initial method of processing the oyster shells were very direct, after autoclaving them I soaked them in water and removed any additional and external growths.

While researching how oyster shells are processed in the Philippines for Capiz use, I learned that an acetic vinegar is used to soften the shells for the layers to be extracted. While the species of oysters that I collected are quite different in shape and possibly structure to that of the Philippines, I still wanted to test this method of processing to see what difference it could made.

    • vinegar soaked + dehydrated

Wednesday - Genetic Modificaiton w/ GFP


  1. What is the workshop trying to achieve? How?
    • Genetically modifying E.coli with green flourescent protein, thus glowing under the presence of UV light
  2. Bioart: Eduardo Kac’s Alba and its relationship with bioart
    • Alba by Eduardo Kac was released in 2000
  3. Could I apply this to my own practice? How?
    • TBD ATM

Thursday - Personal Project Cont. + GFP Update


  1. Method and process of making oyster powder
    • Is there a difference in crushing the same shells that have been processed differently
  2. Tile tests
    • Dehydrated v oyster soaked tiles, coarser
  3. GFP Check
    • It worked!

link to Instagram

Written on April 23, 2024